Approved by the National Chamber of Statutory Auditors, we intervene within the framework of a legal audit in order to:
CCertify that the annual accounts are regular and sincere and that they give a faithful view of the results of operations for the past financial year, as well as the financial situation and assets of the companies and organizations;
Verify the accuracy and consistency with the annual accounts;
Provide an opinion, in the form of a special report, on the internal control procedures adopted by the board of directors.
Contract audit
CGC LAIFA intervenes at all key moments in the development of your entity to facilitate your strategic decision-making, and to provide an opinion on the financial information of your company from a perspective which is not the certification of accounts, but to validate accounting and/or financial information.
The intervention in this type of audit, either within a contractual framework, is freely defined between the firm and its client within the framework of a mission letter, this letter expresses: